Effortless Fundraising
Raising money for the Hawk Meadow Montessori School Foundation can be effortless! Sign up for these programs to start raising money with every purchase.

Amazon Smile
Attention Amazon shoppers! Change your URL to smile.amazon.com and they will give .5% to the school with every purchase! Select Hawk Meadow Montessori School Foundation Inc. as your organization.

Stop n Shop A+ Rewards
Register your Stop n Shop card to support Hawk Meadow every time you shop.

Field Goods
Hawk Meadow is an official private delivery site for Field Goods! With each subscription $2 is added and comes back to HMMS. Register now and the school earns a bonus $5 and you receive $10 account credit.

Box Tops for Education
Please send in your box tops from your favorite products soon, because it is going to be changing to digital soon. Click here for more information about digital box tops.

ShopRite for My School
Register your Price Plus card with ShopRite and choose Hawk Meadow as your designated school to support.

Scholastic Book Orders
Each month a catalog of books from Scholastic will go home in your child’s backpack. All sales from these orders give the school credits to buy books for their classrooms or our library.